Five things I have learned from doing Craft Fairs and Farmers Markets
We just got our email for the upcoming 5th season of the Amarillo Community Market here in Amarillo! So, I thought I would write 5 things I have learned from doing Farmer’s Markets and Craft Fairs. Here we go!
1: Attitude is everything
Are you proud of what you have created? Show it! You have poured your time and energy into creating what only you can make! If people walk by without looking, that’s okay. Greet those who come by, make eye contact and be sincere when you are talking.
Stand up straight and speak with confidence about your product. Engage with people. If you hide in the back of your tent, if you act like what you made is no big deal, people will pick up on that and walk by.
If you are low on energy, take a little break. Ask a booth neighbor to watch your stuff while you take a quick break to eat or move out of your space for a minute. I can tell when my energy is down, and so can other people. They tend to avoid me when that happens!
2: Write it down!
I had no clue what I was doing the first time we set up at the Amarillo Community Market. I was so nervous! I watched Youtube videos and read blog posts on what to take and how to set up, but the best thing for me was my little notebook.
I wrote down a list of things I wish I had with me on my first show. ( extra bags, easels, water bottles) I would write down games that people would ask about or shows that we might be interested in doing at a later date.
Writing down and taking pictures of your booth set up and how well you did at the event is also a good idea. You might get inspiration for a new product idea while you are at an event- write it down!
3: Keep track of your sales
Not only is this important for tax purposes- it will help you track what sells and will, after a time, give you more of an ability to know what to expect for each show- each type of show - and times of the year. What sells more at the farmers market may be different then what sells at an art fair or even a local school craft fair. Items that sell well in the summertime might not do so well during the holidays and vice versa.
Even if this is something that you are doing as a hobby or just for fun and are not interested in making this your side or full-time gig- you will want to know if your hobby is paying for itself and which shows are profitable for you.
4: If you don’t give up- people will start to look for you!
This is awesome! This is where name recognition and brand recognition come into play. When I shop at the farmer’s market, there are always a couple of vendors that I look for. But the first time I went, I just wanted to see what was out there and what it was like. I found some things that I liked and bought. The next time I went, I had more of an idea of what was there, but by the 3rd or 4th time, there were some vendors that I was specifically looking for.
Keep going. Maybe no one is looking for what you sell….yet. And that is just because they don’t know you….yet!
5: Make friends with the other vendors
These are some of the best people you will ever meet! Other vendors are right there with you through the sweltering summer heat, the long hours when no one is shopping. The freezing mornings when you are shivering. Your vendor neighbors will watch your booth when you need to run to the bathroom, will have invaluable advice on the best way to set up and tear down quickly. They will know which shows to go to and what to avoid. Each one will have their own story of why they are there every Saturday or why they travel hundreds of miles to come to a particular event. You will find the most amazing gifts for your friends and families and for yourself as you get to know the vendors around you at each event. I love it!
What do you think? Are you a creator that has done events? Let us know 5 things you have learned!
~Chris & Carrie
Amarillo Community Market 2018