Our first wahoo
Our first wahoo!
Chris and I made this for our son, Connor, on his 10th birthday! This was years before we had even thought of doing this as a business. No sanding, we measured out each ole and marked it with a nail and hammer. Drilled the holes with whatever bit we had and then I painted the Mario design on there for him.
We have come a LONG way since this first board!
Part of me wants to sand it down and start over. But I do think that it is important to look back and see how far you've come.
Today, Chris has templates that he makes for our boards. He sands each board several times with several grades of sand paper. He has found a great bit that he uses to hand drill each hole.
For me, I am more confident in my painting. I enjoy working on different designs and have done a variety of styles including acrylic pours and wood burns.
We have learned how to properly seal our boards so the paint doesn't chip and find the rounds that don't wobble.
We have several different hole set ups including a 6 player, 8 player and our extra large 1" marble board as well!
We have come a long way since that first board 6 years ago. We have been making games as a business for 3 years and have improved so much since our first market day when I was just a pile of hopes and nerves, standing out there with my mis matched set up and a variety of games and signs.
Thank you all for helping us to achieve each milestone ( over 550 sales on Etsy! Yay! And several here on our website!). For cheering is on and helping us to step out of our comfort zone to offer more and become better. 😊
Keep something from your past to remind you of just how far you have come!
Have a great day!
~Chris & Carrie
Our first wahoo made in 2015 for our son, Connor's 10th birthday!