Ups & downs of small business

We love being small business owners…..most of the time. Getting to meet and know new people, creating beautiful and one of a kind art. Seeing people's faces light up when they look at our Wahoo boards and suddenly are brought back to their childhood when they played this game with their parents or grandparents. Those are some of the highlights of our business.

But sometimes owning your own business is frustrating and panic inducing and completly overwhelming. Not everything runs smoothly all of the time and that's okay. These set back and frustrations help us to stay motivated and try harder and get better. We are able to figure things out( eventually) and make it work.

I have been working on some custom order Sequence game boards( a really fun strategy game with cards). Each game board has a full deck of cards that are cut and glued to the board then sealed with several layers of sealer. It turns out amazing, but it takes a while to cut all those cards! I got two decks cut and put them on my board only to realize I cut them all too small!

So, I get to cut 2 more decks of cards while my brain runs through all the other things I could be doing or need to do. You ever do that?

I find the best thing for me to do at that point is take a break. Breathe. Look at all we have accomplished instead of what needs to be done. Maybe even write a blog post😊. Then I can start over and be focused on the task that needs to be accomplished.

What helps you to refocus when things aren't going as planned? I would love some ideas to try out!

Have an amazing day!

~Chris & Carrie


Our first wahoo


kicking the kids out of the nest!